Ahorrador o Rata / Como mis abuelos son ricos, cada vez que necesito comprar algo, lo dejo caer en la conversación y siempre me lo compran ellos.
#201 por midashigo
2 nov 2016, 16:43

to shuffle one's feet — arrastrar los pies
(cards) barajar
(dominoes) remover
(dominoes) revolver
(dominoes) mezclar
(papers) barajar
(papers) revolver

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#202 por midashigo
2 nov 2016, 16:43

she shuffled into/out of the room — entró en/salió de la habitación arrastrando los pies

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#203 por midashigo
3 nov 2016, 19:44


to turn / flush crimson — (with embarrassment) (with anger, heat) ponerse colorado / rojo

(face) ruborizarse
(sky) teñirse de rojo literary

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#204 por midashigo
3 nov 2016, 21:03

I threw away (disposed) my trash after work. What did you throw away today?

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#205 por midashigo
3 nov 2016, 21:04


get rid of by throwing away or giving or selling to someone else.
- whose responsibility is it to dispose of scrap materials?
arrange in a particular position.
- the chief disposed his attendants in a circle
sinónimos: arrange, place, put, position, array, set up, form, marshal

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#206 por midashigo
3 nov 2016, 21:04

I take after (have a similar personality with) my mom. Who do you take after?

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#207 por midashigo
3 nov 2016, 21:05

It rained, so our picnic plans fell through (failed to happen). Did any of your plans fall through?

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#208 por midashigo
3 nov 2016, 21:05

I took apart (disassembled) my laptop this morning. Have you ever tried to take apart a computer?

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#209 por midashigo
3 nov 2016, 21:06


take (something) apart.
the piston can be disassembled for transport
sinónimos: dismantle, take apart, take to pieces, take to bits, deconstruct

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#210 por midashigo
3 nov 2016, 22:06

you'll pass the station on your left — vas a pasar por la estación, a mano izquierda

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#211 por midashigo
3 nov 2016, 22:29


as a further matter; besides.
- moreover, glass is electrically insulating
sinónimos: besides, furthermore, what's more, in addition, also, as well

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#212 por midashigo
3 nov 2016, 23:17

to be reliant on sth/sb — depender de algo/algn

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#213 por midashigo
3 nov 2016, 23:18

an act of selling:
[countable]trying to make a sale.
a special offering of goods at reduced prices:
[countable]They're having a sale: 20% off.

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#214 por midashigo
3 nov 2016, 23:46


theft of personal property.

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#215 por midashigo
3 nov 2016, 23:49


Abeja macho, cuya función es fecundar a la abeja reina; es mayor que las abejas obreras, no produce miel y carece de aguijón.

Persona a la que no le gusta trabajar y que evita hacerlo siempre que puede.

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#216 por midashigo
4 nov 2016, 14:42

on fire:
the forest was ablaze.

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#217 por midashigo
4 nov 2016, 14:43

to be ablaze — arder

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#218 por midashigo
4 nov 2016, 14:44

on fire:
They set the logs ablaze.
Ellos prendieron fuego a los troncos.
Ils ont mis les bûches en flammes.

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#219 por midashigo
4 nov 2016, 16:23

blando, adj.
Pronunciation: /ˈskwɔʃi//ˈskwɑʃi//ˈskwɒʃi/


(fruit) blando
(ground) húmedo y mullido

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#220 por midashigo
4 nov 2016, 16:23

chirriante, adj.

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#221 por midashigo
4 nov 2016, 22:32

slat;  spline;  louver;  louvre
lama; ranura; persiana; lumbrera
stecca; spline; feritoia; persiana di ventilazione

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#222 por midashigo
4 nov 2016, 22:33


(of wood) listón masculine
(of wood) tablilla feminine
(of other materials) tira masculine

a thin, narrow piece of wood, plastic, or metal, especially one of a series that overlap or fit into each other, as in a fence or a Venetian blind.

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#223 por midashigo
4 nov 2016, 22:50


a rectangular key fitting into grooves in the hub and shaft of a wheel, especially one formed integrally with the shaft that allows movement of the wheel on the shaft.

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#224 por midashigo
4 nov 2016, 23:19

forajido, n.

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#225 por midashigo
4 nov 2016, 23:44

no quiere asumir la responsabilidad del cuidado de los niños — he doesn't want to take on / assume responsibility for looking after the children

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#226 por midashigo
5 nov 2016, 00:03


the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency.

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#227 por midashigo
5 nov 2016, 00:32

medidas para incentivar la creación de puestos de trabajo — measures to encourage / stimulate the creation of jobs

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#228 por midashigo
5 nov 2016, 00:56


spread or disperse (something, especially information) widely.

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#229 por midashigo
5 nov 2016, 10:40

han trasladado su expediente a otro departamento — your file has been transferred to another department

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#230 por midashigo
5 nov 2016, 10:40

se han trasladado a una oficina más próxima al centro — they've moved to a more centrally located office

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#231 por midashigo
5 nov 2016, 10:55

she does all her own stunts — hace todas las escenas peligrosas ella misma

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#232 por midashigo
5 nov 2016, 10:55

publicity stunt — ardid publicitario masculine

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#233 por midashigo
5 nov 2016, 10:56

detener, v.


There are 2 main translations of stunt in Spanish: stunt1stunt2

proeza, n.

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#234 por midashigo
5 nov 2016, 15:49

he has a tight grip — agarra con fuerza

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#235 por midashigo
5 nov 2016, 15:49


(of tires)
adherencia feminine
agarre masculine
Example sentences
(on handle)
empuñadura feminine
horquilla feminine
pasador masculine Mexico
pinche masculine Chile
bolsa de viaje feminine

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#236 por midashigo
5 nov 2016, 15:49

he gripped her arm tightly — la agarró fuertemente del brazo

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#237 por midashigo
5 nov 2016, 15:50

these tires grip the road well — estos neumáticos tienen buena adherencia / buen agarre

he was gripped by panic — fue presa del pánico

the play failed to grip the audience — la obra no captó el interés del público

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#238 por midashigo
5 nov 2016, 22:18


the first performance of a musical or theatrical work or the first showing of a movie.

give the first performance of.

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#239 por midashigo
6 nov 2016, 01:08

We put off (postponed) the golf game because of the rain. Have you put off anything recently?

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#240 por midashigo
6 nov 2016, 20:20


a short pithy saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece of advice.

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#241 por midashigo
6 nov 2016, 20:21


(of language or style) concise and forcefully expressive.

(of a fruit or plant) containing much pith.

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#242 por midashigo
6 nov 2016, 23:23

The car salesman was playing hardball (being aggressive). Have you met a saleman that played hardball?

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#243 por midashigo
7 nov 2016, 00:51


a recurrent throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision.

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#244 por midashigo
7 nov 2016, 20:28

si no van a consumir nada no pueden ocupar la mesa — if you're not going to have anything to eat/drink, you can't sit at a table

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#245 por midashigo
7 nov 2016, 20:28

este coche consume ocho litros a los 100 (kilómetros) — this car does 100km on 8 liters of gasoline

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#246 por midashigo
7 nov 2016, 21:56


a number of bullets, arrows, or other projectiles discharged at one time.

(in sports, especially tennis or soccer) a strike or kick of the ball made before it touches the ground.

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#247 por midashigo
7 nov 2016, 21:57

una retahíla de nombres — a string / a whole series of names

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#248 por midashigo
7 nov 2016, 23:15

I paid through the nose (too much money) for a computer repair. Have you paid through the nose for anything?

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#249 por midashigo
7 nov 2016, 23:16

The bad accountant got the pink slip (was fired). Do you know anyone who got the pink slip?

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#250 por midashigo
7 nov 2016, 23:27


place (something) into a long, narrow aperture.

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