Ahorrador o Rata / Como mis abuelos son ricos, cada vez que necesito comprar algo, lo dejo caer en la conversación y siempre me lo compran ellos.
#145 por midashigo
29 oct 2016, 20:50

uno se embota de tanto estudiar — you feel as if your head is going to burst informal

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#146 por midashigo
29 oct 2016, 20:50


it's rather dull out today — hoy está bastante nublado

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#147 por midashigo
29 oct 2016, 20:50

a deadly dull evening — una noche terriblemente aburrida

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#148 por midashigo
29 oct 2016, 21:06

simmer hervir a fuego lento

a state or temperature just below the boiling point.

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#149 por midashigo
29 oct 2016, 21:06

puro sheer

he did it out of sheer desperation/necessity — lo hizo por pura desesperación/necesidad

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#150 por midashigo
29 oct 2016, 21:06

the cliffs rise sheer out of the sea — los acantilados se yerguen verticalmente sobre el mar

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#151 por midashigo
29 oct 2016, 23:15


an operation that associates each element of a given set (the domain) with one or more elements of a second set (the range).

represent (an area) on a map; make a map of.

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#152 por midashigo
29 oct 2016, 23:33


conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being.

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#153 por midashigo
29 oct 2016, 23:49

I tried to comb the tangles out of my hair — traté de desenredarme el pelo

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#154 por midashigo
30 oct 2016, 00:16

to stutter
titubeó antes de responder — he stuttered before he could get his reply out

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#155 por midashigo
30 oct 2016, 00:18

silla (de montar), n.

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#156 por midashigo
30 oct 2016, 00:21

his cringing behavior makes me sick — su actitud servil / rastrera me da asco

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#157 por midashigo
30 oct 2016, 09:01

Keel Quilla

the longitudinal structure along the centerline at the bottom of a vessel's hull, on which the rest of the hull is built, in some vessels extended downward as a blade or ridge to increase stability.

a flat-bottomed freight boat; a keelboat.

(of a boat or ship) turn over on its side; capsize.

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#158 por midashigo
30 oct 2016, 12:21

apremia enviar estos pedidos — these orders must be sent off urgently / as soon as possible

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#159 por midashigo
30 oct 2016, 13:14


throw (something) somewhere lightly, easily, or casually.

search (a place).

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#160 por midashigo
30 oct 2016, 13:17


a clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, or psychotherapist.

become or make smaller in size or amount; contract or cause to contract.

move back or away, especially because of fear or disgust.

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#161 por midashigo
30 oct 2016, 22:45


(of an incident or a person) said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality.

claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof that this is the case.

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#162 por midashigo
30 oct 2016, 23:10


a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply.

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#163 por midashigo
30 oct 2016, 23:33


a sudden or violent lunge with a pointed weapon or a bodily part.

the propulsive force of a jet or rocket engine.

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#164 por midashigo
30 oct 2016, 23:47

brackish salmastra / salobre

(of water) slightly salty, as is the mixture of river water and seawater in estuaries.

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#165 por midashigo
31 oct 2016, 22:25


an essential supporting structure of a building, vehicle, or object.

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#166 por midashigo
31 oct 2016, 22:28

lakebed , lecho del lago,

the floor or bottom of a lake.

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#167 por midashigo
31 oct 2016, 22:39


take out the intestines and other internal organs of (a fish or other animal) before cooking it.

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#168 por midashigo
31 oct 2016, 22:43


contemptuous ridicule or mockery.
burla despectiva o burla.

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#169 por midashigo
31 oct 2016, 22:44

contemptuous desdeñoso

showing contempt; scornful.

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#170 por midashigo
31 oct 2016, 22:45


an expression of scornful derision.
Shaking his head with a scoff , he answered, ‘Fine.’

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#171 por midashigo
31 oct 2016, 22:46

his remarks were greeted with scoffs and jeers — sus comentarios fueron recibidos con burlas y abucheos

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#172 por midashigo
31 oct 2016, 22:50


a child, typically a badly behaved one.

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#173 por midashigo
31 oct 2016, 22:53


well known for some bad quality or deed.

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#174 por midashigo
31 oct 2016, 22:54


an action that is performed intentionally or consciously.

a legal document that is signed and delivered, especially one regarding the ownership of property or legal rights.

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#175 por midashigo
31 oct 2016, 22:54


(of clothes) short and revealing.

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#176 por midashigo
31 oct 2016, 22:56

WARY Cauteloso

feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.

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#177 por midashigo
31 oct 2016, 22:58


(of a person or their appearance or behavior) lacking good manners, refinement, or grace.

(person) zafio
(person) burdo
(person) ordinario
(manners) tosco
(manners) burdo

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#178 por midashigo
1 nov 2016, 19:34


damage the reputation of (someone or something) in the opinion of others.

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#179 por midashigo
1 nov 2016, 20:30

el gobierno impuso el toque de queda — the government imposed a curfew

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#180 por midashigo
1 nov 2016, 20:31

no lo sienten como una cosa impuesta — they don't see it as an imposition / as something imposed upon them

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#181 por midashigo
1 nov 2016, 22:39


a Zoroastrian heresy that developed during the late Achaemenian period according to which both Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu were offspring of Zurvan.

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#182 por midashigo
1 nov 2016, 22:39


religious opinion or doctrine that is different from or opposed to the accepted doctrine:

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#183 por midashigo
1 nov 2016, 22:42


any belief or theory strongly different from or opposed to established beliefs, customs, etc.

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#184 por midashigo
1 nov 2016, 22:43


willful negligence.
unreasonably stubborn, determined, or headstrong.

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#185 por midashigo
1 nov 2016, 22:43

imponerle las manos a algn — to lay one's hands upon / on sb

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#186 por midashigo
1 nov 2016, 22:44

su mera presencia impone — he has an imposing presence

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#187 por midashigo
1 nov 2016, 22:45

este invierno se han impuesto las faldas por debajo de la rodilla — skirts below the knee have become fashionable / have come into fashion this winter

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#188 por midashigo
1 nov 2016, 22:45

imponerse a algo — to become accustomed to sth

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#189 por midashigo
1 nov 2016, 22:48


(calcetines) to darn
(calcetines) to mend
¡que te zurzan! — get lost! colloquial informal slang

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#190 por midashigo
2 nov 2016, 15:52

to be on / ride (on) the crest of a wave — estar en la cresta de la ola

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#191 por midashigo
2 nov 2016, 16:00

he's a reluctant teetotaler/vegetarian — es abstemio/vegetariano a su pesar / a regañadientes

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#192 por midashigo
2 nov 2016, 16:32

(juerga, broma)
eso no puede ser, hombre, tú estás de cachondeo — oh come on, that's just not possible, you're putting me on informal

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#193 por midashigo
2 nov 2016, 16:33

el debate fue un cachondeo, todos hablaban al mismo tiempo — the debate was a farce / a joke, everyone was talking at once

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#194 por midashigo
2 nov 2016, 16:33

basta de jarana — that's enough fun and games / larking around / fooling around informal

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